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180 Entries

Leroy Anderson (1908 - 1975):  Sleigh Ride
scoring: NATTBB
Felice Anerio (1560 - 1614):  Iesu, decus angelicum
source: Diletto spirituale (Rome 1586)
scoring: SST or AAB
Anonymous:  O Heyligh zaligh Bethlehem, Old Dutch Christmas carol
scoring: SSATB
Anonymous:  Wohlauf, gen Bethlehem in Eil', Old German Christmas carol
scoring: AATB
Anonymous:  Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
source: Newe deudsche geistliche Gesenge für die gemeinen Schulen (Wittenberg 1544)
scoring: STTBB
Anonymous:  In Festo Natalis Domini. «Ne la digna stalla»
source: Ms. Rés. Vm7 676 (1502). Manuscript preserved in Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France
scoring: SA or TB
Anonymous:  The Salutation Carol of the Angel Gabriel, English Christmas carol
source: MS. Arch. Selden B. 26 (XV cent.). Manuscript preserved in Oxford: Bodleian Library
scoring: SATB
Anonymous:  Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
source: 260 (c. 1550), Manuscript preserved in Munich: Bavarian State Library, No. 104
scoring: SAAT or STTB
Johann Christian Bach (1735 - 1782):  Pastorale from Sonata IV
source: Six Sonates pour le clavecin ou piano forte, avec accompagnement d’un violon ou flute. Op. 16 (Amsterdam [1779])
scoring: SSTB
Johann Christian Bach (1735 - 1782):  Pastorale from Sonata IV
source: Six Sonates pour le clavecin ou piano forte, avec accompagnement d’un violon ou flute. Op. 16 (Amsterdam [1779])
scoring: SATB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Ich steh' an deiner Krippen hier - BWV 469
scoring: SB (Bc)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  In Dulci Jubilo - BWV 368
scoring: SATB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  In Dulci Jubilo - BWV 608
scoring: SATB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich - BWV 609
scoring: SSTB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Uns ist ein Kindlein heut' gebor'n - BWV 414
scoring: SATB or A (Harpsichord)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Des sich wundert alle Welt
source: Cantata «Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland» - BWV 61
scoring: SATL
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  «Komm, du schöne Freudenkrone», Chorale
source: Cantata «Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland» - BWV 61
scoring: SAATB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  «Zion hört die Wächter singen», Chorale
source: Cantata «Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme» - BWV 140
scoring: ATB or AAB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Gott, dem der Erden Kreis zu klein
source: Cantata «Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ» - BWV 91
scoring: AT (Harpsichord)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Chorale: «Jesus bleibet meine Freude»
source: Cantata «Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben» - BWV 147
scoring: SSSATB or SSAATB (Bc)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Die Engel, welche sich zuvor, Recitativo
source: Cantata BWV 122, «Das neugeborne Kindelein»
scoring: AAA (Soprano, Bc)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Die Engel, welche sich zuvor, Recitativo
source: Cantata BWV 122, «Das neugeborne Kindelein»
scoring: SAATB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Bereite dich, Zion
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 4
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Wie soll ich dich empfangen, Chorale
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 5
scoring: SATB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Er ist auf Erden kommen arm, Chorale and Recitative
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 7
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Sinfonia
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 10
scoring: SAATTTB (Bass instrument)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht, Chorale
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 12
scoring: SATB or SSTB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Frohe Hirten eilt, ach eilet
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 15
scoring: STB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Flößt, mein Heiland
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 39
scoring: SSB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen, Air
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 47
Edited and/or arranged by Alberto Dalla Turca
scoring: AB (Harpsichord)
Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989):  White Christmas
scoring: ATTB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Felix Bernard (1897 - 1945):  Winter Wonderland
scoring: ATB (Harpsichord)
Georg Böhm (1661 - 1733):  Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
scoring: SATL
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Christmas March
scoring: SSATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Ihr Kinderlein kommet
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  In Bethlehem ist Gottes Sohn geboren
scoring: SAB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, alle gleich
scoring: TTBF
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Puer nobis nascitur, Medieval Christmas carol
scoring: ATTB or AATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Somerset Carol: Come all you worthy gentlemen
scoring: ATBB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  The Twelve Days of Christmas, English Christmas carol
scoring: SSATB or SSAAB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on Once in Royal David’s City - Tune by Henry Gauntlett (1848)
scoring: SATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on The Lord at first did Adam make - English, Welsh and Irish Christmas Eve Carol
scoring: SATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on The Twelve Joys of Mary - A New Forest (England) Christmas Carol
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «À la venue de Noël»
scoring: ATTB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Adeste Fideles»
scoring: AB (Harpsichord)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Angels We Have Heard On High»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Auld Lang Syne»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Away in a Manger»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Ding Dong Merrily on High»
scoring: ABB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Go Tell It on the Mountain»
scoring: SATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Hark! The Herald Angels Sing»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «King Herod and the Cock»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «O du fröhliche»
scoring: AATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf»
scoring: ATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «O Tannenbaum»
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Stille Nacht»
scoring: SATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «The First Nowell»
scoring: SATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «The Holly and the Ivy»
scoring: ATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «The Holly and the Ivy» (vers. 2)
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Zu Bethlehem geboren
scoring: SAB
Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897):  O Heiland, reiss' die Himmel auf, Motet - Op. 74, No. 2
scoring: SATB
Dieterich Buxtehude (c. 1637 - 1707):  In Dulci Jubilo - BuxWv 197
scoring: SATB
Dieterich Buxtehude (c. 1637 - 1707):  Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich - BuxWV 202
scoring: SATB
Dieterich Buxtehude (c. 1637 - 1707):  Puer natus in Bethlehem - Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem - BuxWV 217
scoring: SATB
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643 - 1704):  Offertoire - Laissez paître vos bêtes
source: Messe de minuit pour Noël (midnight mass for Christmas) - H 9
scoring: AATB
Coldplay (XXI cent.):  Christmas Lights
scoring: ATB (Bass instrument)
John Frederick Coots (1897 - 1985):  Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town
scoring: AATB (Bass instrument, Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
Arcangelo Corelli (1653 - 1713):  Pastorale in C major - Op. 6
source: Concerti grossi. Op. 6 (Amsterdam 1714)
scoring: SSAATTB
Arcangelo Corelli (1653 - 1713):  Concerto fatto per la Notte di Natale - Op. 6, No. 8
source: Concerti grossi. Op. 6 (Amsterdam 1714)
scoring: AAATBBB
Michel Corrette (1709 - 1795):  Gigue on «À la venue de Noël»
source: Nouveau livre de noëls (Paris 1741) - Suite 1
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Innocentius Dammonis (c. 1470 - c. 1527):  Tutti debiam cantare
scoring: SATB
Jean-François Dandrieu (c. 1682 - 1739):  À la venue de Noël
source: Noels (Paris c. 1725)
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Jean-François Dandrieu (c. 1682 - 1739):  Une jeune Pucelle
source: Noels (Paris c. 1725)
scoring: A or AB (Harpsichord)
Francisque Darcieux (1880 - 1951):  Minuit sonne au clocher blanc
scoring: SATB
Francisque Darcieux (1880 - 1951):  Noël, Noël est venu
scoring: SATB
Christoph Demantius (1567 - 1643):  Alia fuga duarum in epidiapason post sesquitempus, «Gloria»
source: Isagoge artis musicae (Freiburg 1656), No. 99
scoring: SA or TB
Christoph Demantius (1567 - 1643):  Alia fuga 4 ex unisono post tria tempora, «Et in terra pax»
source: Isagoge artis musicae (Freiburg 1656), No. 100
scoring: TTTT
John Bacchus Dykes (1823 - 1876):  On the Birthday of the Lord
scoring: SATB
Jacob van Eyck (c. 1589 - 1657):  O Heyligh zaligh Bethlehem
source: Der Fluyten Lust-hof (Amsterdam 1649-54), No. 53
scoring: C
José Feliciano (1945 - ):  Feliz Navidad
scoring: AATB
César Franck (1822 - 1890):  À la venue de Noël
source: Pièces posthumes (Paris 1905)
scoring: SATB
César Franck (1822 - 1890):  Offertoire pour la Messe de Minuit
source: Pièces posthumes (Paris 1905)
scoring: AATB or ATTB (Harpsichord)
Andrea Gabrieli (c. 1532 - 1585):  Angelus ad pastores ait, Motet a 7
source: Concerti: Libro primo et secondo (Venice 1587)
Andrea Gabrieli (c. 1532 - 1585):  Angelus ad pastores ait, Motet a 4
source: Ecclesiasticarum cantionum quatuor vocum (Venice 1576)
scoring: ATTB
Bartholomäus Gesius (c. 1562 - 1613):  Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
source: Geistliche Deutsche Lieder (Frankfurt (Oder) 1615)
scoring: SSATB
Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907):  Julens vuggesang (Yuletide Cradle-Song) - EG 155
scoring: SSATB
Francisco Guerrero (1528 - 1599):  Huid, Huid
source: Canciones y villanescas espirituales (Venice 1589)
scoring: SATB
Andreas Hammerschmidt (1612 - 1675):  Machet die Tore weit, Motet a 6
scoring: SSAATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  See the conqu'ring hero comes
source: Oratorio Joshua - HWV 64
scoring: SAATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Sinfony
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 1
scoring: SATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Ev'ry valley shall be exalted
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 3
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  And the Glory of the Lord
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 4
scoring: SATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 9
scoring: SATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Pifa
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 13
scoring: SSATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Glory to God in the highest
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 17
scoring: AABB (Bass instrument)
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Halleluja
source: Messiah (1741) - HWV 56, No. 44
scoring: SATB
Johann David Heinichen (1683 - 1729):  Pastorale per la Notte di Natale - SeiH 242 [c. 1720]
source: Ms. Musica 2398-O-13. Manuscript preserved in Saxon State and University Library Dresden
scoring: AAATB (Bass instrument)
Johann David Heinichen (1683 - 1729):  Pastorale per la Notte di Natale - SeiH 242 [c. 1720]
source: Ms. Musica 2398-O-13. Manuscript preserved in Saxon State and University Library Dresden
scoring: SSSSTBB
Gustav Holst (1874 - 1934):  In the Bleak Midwinter, A Christmas Carol
scoring: SATB
Katherine Kennicott Davis (1892 - 1980):  The Little Drummer Boy (Pentatonix version)
scoring: SAATB
Johann Kuhnau (1660 - 1722):  Concerto
source: Cantata formerly catalogued as BWV 142, «Uns ist ein Kind geboren», No. 1
scoring: AAATTTB (Bass instrument)
Johann Kuhnau (1660 - 1722):  Uns ist ein Kind geboren, Chorale
source: Cantata formerly catalogued as BWV 142, «Uns ist ein Kind geboren», No. 2
scoring: ATTBBB (Bass instrument)
Johann Kuhnau (1660 - 1722):  Dein Geburtstag ist erschienen, Air
source: Cantata formerly catalogued as BWV 142, «Uns ist ein Kind geboren», No. 3
continuo realization by 1
scoring: ATB (Harpsichord)
Johann Kuhnau (1660 - 1722):  Ich will den Namen Gottes loben mit einem Liede, Chorale
source: Cantata formerly catalogued as BWV 142, «Uns ist ein Kind geboren», No. 4
scoring: SSSAATBB
Johann Kuhnau (1660 - 1722):  Jesu, dir sei Preis, Air
source: Cantata formerly catalogued as BWV 142, «Uns ist ein Kind geboren», No. 7
scoring: AATB
Johann Kuhnau (1660 - 1722):  Alleluja, gelobet sei Gott, Chorale
source: Cantata formerly catalogued as BWV 142, «Uns ist ein Kind geboren», No. 8
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
John Lennon (1940-1980):  Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
scoring: SATB
Mykola Leontovych (1877 -1921):  Carol of the Bells - Щедрик
scoring: SATB
Mykola Leontovych (1877 -1921):  Carol of the Bells - Щедрик (Pentatonix version)
scoring: SAATB
Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886):  Adeste fideles. Just as the march of the Three Wise Men
source: Weihnachtsbaum – S.186
scoring: SSAATBF
Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886):  Die Hirten an der Krippe (In dulci jubilo)
source: Weihnachtsbaum – S.186
scoring: SAATB or SATTB
Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886):  Ein kleines kindelein liegt in dem Krippelein
source: Weihnachtsbaum – S.186
scoring: SATBB or AAATB
Pietro Locatelli (1695 - 1764):  Pastorale
source: Concerto grosso VIII. Op. 1 (Amsterdam 1721)
scoring: AAATTBB (Bass instrument)
Jakob Heinrich Lützel (1823 - 1899):  Machet die Tore weit
scoring: SATB
Francesco Manfredini (1684 - 1762):  Pastorale per il Santissimo Natale
source: Concerto 12, Op. 3 (Bologna 1718)
scoring: AAAAB (Cello or Viol)
Benedetto Marcello (1686 - 1739):  Pastorale in F major
source: Antiche Canzoni di Natale (Padua 1911)
scoring: SAT
Johnny Marks (1909 - 1985):  A Holly Jolly Christmas
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
John Nicholls (c. 1627 - 1681):  Christians, awake, Christmas Hymn
scoring: SATB or SSAB
John Nicholls (c. 1627 - 1681):  Christians, awake, Christmas Hymn
scoring: ATBL
Giorgio Pacchioni (1947 - ):  A la notti di Natali, Sicilian Christmas carol
scoring: SATB
Giorgio Pacchioni (1947 - ):  God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
scoring: SATB
Giorgio Pacchioni (1947 - ):  Tu scendi dalle stelle, Canto pastorale con Saltarello e Tresca dei Pastori
scoring: SATB
Johann Pachelbel (1653 - 1706):  Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her - P 52
scoring: ATB
Benedetto Pallavicino (c. 1551 - 1601):  Canite tuba in Sion, Motet a 8
source: Promptuarium musicum (Strasbourg 1611–17)
scoring: SAATTTBB
Bernardo Pasquini (1637 - 1710):  Pastorale
scoring: SATB
Theodore E. Perkins (1831 - 1912):  Sweet Voices are Ringing
scoring: SATB or SSAB
Johann Christoph Pez (1664 - 1716):  Pastorale
scoring: AATTB (Bc)
Johann Christoph Pez (1664 - 1716):  Hodie Christus natus est
source: Ms. Mus. d.317: Motetto a 4 voci con istrumenti. Manuscript preserved in Modena: Biblioteca estense universitaria
scoring: SSSAATBB
James Pierpont (1822 - 1893):  The One Horse Open Sleigh (Jingle Bells)
scoring: SATB or SSAB (Piano)
Edward Pola & George Wyle:  It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
scoring: ATB (Piano)
Nicola Porpora (1686 - 1768):  Alleluia
source: Mottetto «Avis canora in fronde»
scoring: AATB
Michael Praetorius (1571 - 1621):  Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, for double choir
source: Musae Sioniae. Ander Theil (Jena 1607), No. 2
scoring: SSAATTBB
Michael Praetorius (1571 - 1621):  In Dulci Jubilo, for double choir
source: Musae Sioniae. Vol. II (Jena 1607), No. 5
scoring: SSAATTBB
Michael Praetorius (1571 - 1621):  Puer natus in Bethlehem, for double choir
source: Musae Sioniae. Vol. II (Jena 1607), No. 6
scoring: SSAATTBB
Michael Praetorius (1571 - 1621):  Puer natus in Bethlehem
source: Musae Sioniae. Vol. II (Jena 1607), No. 7
scoring: SSSAATTB
Oreste Ravanello (1871 - 1932):  Magnum nomen Domini: Emmanuel - Christmas folk song
source: Antiche Canzoni di Natale (Padua 1911)
scoring: SATB
Oreste Ravanello (1871 - 1932):  Noël
source: Antiche Canzoni di Natale (Padua 1911)
scoring: SATB
Thomas Ravenscroft (c. 1588 - 1635):  Remember, o thou man, A Christmas Carroll
source: Melismata. Musicall phansies fitting the court, citie, and countrey humours (London 1611)
scoring: SATB
Thomas Ravenscroft (c. 1588 - 1635):  Remember, o thou man, A Christmas Carroll
source: Melismata. Musicall phansies fitting the court, citie, and countrey humours (London 1611)
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856):  Knecht Ruprecht - Op. 68, No. 12
source: Album for the Young (1848)
scoring: SATB
Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856):  Sylvesterlied (New Year's Eve) - Op. 68, No. 43
source: Album for the Young (1848)
scoring: SSAB
Sia:  Snowman
scoring: STB
Michael W. Smith (1957 - ):  Christmas Day
scoring: TBB (Harpsichord)
Giovanni Battista Stefanini (1574 - 1630):  Parvulus filius, Motet a 6
source: Promptuarium musicum (Strasbourg 1611–17)
scoring: SSATTB
Michael Talbot (1943 - ):  Fugue on The Holly and the Ivy
scoring: SATB
Michael Talbot (1943 - ):  Musings on «In dulci jubilo» for recorder quartet
scoring: SATB
Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893):  December: Christmas
source: The Seasons. Op. 37
scoring: A (Keyboard)
Mel Tormé (1925 - 1999):  The Christmas Song
scoring: SSAAB
Traditional:  Adeste fideles
scoring: SAB
Traditional:  Als die Welt verloren (Gdy się Chrystus rodzi), Polish Christmas carol
scoring: SSAB or SATB
Traditional:  Auld Lang Syne
Edited and/or arranged by Herbert Oakeley (1830 - 1903)
scoring: STB (Harpsichord)
Traditional:  Da mesa notg fideivlamein (At midnight devoutly [the good shepherds kept watch]), Swiss Christmas song
scoring: ATB
Traditional:  Deck the Halls
scoring: SAB (Keyboard)
Traditional:  El cant dels ocells, Traditional Catalan Christmas song and lullaby
scoring: ATB
Traditional:  Erfreue dich, Himmel
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  God rest you merry, gentlemen
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  Guten Abend, guten Abend, Swedish Christmas melody
scoring: ATB
Traditional:  In Dulci Jubilo
scoring: SATB (Keyboard)
Traditional:  Joy to the World
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  O dormi, blandule Jesu
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  O du fröhliche
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  The Holly and the Ivy
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  Transeamus usque Bethlehem
scoring: SSTB
Traditional:  Holy Night! Peaceful Night
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 1
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  Draw Nigh, Immanuel
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 2
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  O Little Town of Bethlehem
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 3
scoring: SATB or ATTB
Traditional:  A Child This Day Is Born
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. Third Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by F. Flaxington Harker (New York 1904), No. 3
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 4
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  A Virgin Unspotted
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 5
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  The First Noël
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 6
scoring: SATB
Traditional:  What Child is This? [Greensleeves]
source: Old Christmas Carols, Traditional Melodies. First Set newly arranged, harmonized and edited by S. Archer Gibson (New York 1904), No. 7
scoring: SATB
Franz Tunder (1614 - 1667):  Ein kleines Kindelein ist uns heut geboren
scoring: SATTB (Bass instrument)
Franz Tunder (1614 - 1667):  Wachet auf! Ruft uns die Stimme
scoring: SSATB
Orfeo Vecchi (c. 1551 - 1603):  Gloria in excelsis Deo, Motet a 6
source: Promptuarium musicum (Strasbourg 1611–17)
scoring: SSATTB
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Andante cantabile
source: Il Gardellino - RV 428
scoring: SATTB
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Andante cantabile
source: Il Gardellino - RV 428
scoring: S (2 Violins, Cello)
Johann Walter (1496 - 1570):  In dulci jubilo
scoring: SATB
Meredith Willson (1902 - 1984):  It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
scoring: ATTB
Franz Wohlfahrt (1833 - 1884):  Easy Fantasia on two Christmas Songs - O Stilly Night and O sanctissima. Op. 83
scoring: AT (Piano)