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The top 100 rated entries
Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695):  Chaconne for Flutes: Two in one upon a Ground
source: The Prophetess (The History of Dioclesian) (1690) - Z 627
scoring: AA (Bc)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Chord progression in C
To a German friend of mine
scoring: AB (Ukulele ad libitum)
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Jan Jaap Langereis (1962 - ):  Raindance
scoring: AATTBF
The idea for this piece first started while hearing the song The Space played live by the prog–rock band Marillion. I imagined the strings at the beginning of the song played on a recorder (probably professional deformation) and after a while the melody simply flew in my head. Call it luck, call it magic, but the melody was very suitable to make it into a canon.
The title came while recording it (the piece was finished already); it was raining outside – a very common thing in autumn in the Netherlands – and I heard the drops of tones falling on the floor, more and more, on which the melody starts dancing: Raindance.
The piece is written especially for my Recorder Orchestra in Castricum (Holland) of which I am the director. It is easy to play, so very suitable to do with a wide range of skills. It is written for low recorders (from alto to great bass) because of the warm and beautiful sound of greater recorders. There is an extra seventh part to be played on a bass recorder in C, especially if the great bass recorder is not able to reach the highest notes.
Please, do not play it on a sopranino and have fun!
Jan Jaap Langereis
Heiloo, 8.11.2012
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Four chord progression
scoring: AB (Harmonic Instrument)
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Nicola Fiorenza (? - 1764):  Concerto in A minor
source: Ms. 2210-17 (1726). Manuscript preserved in the Music conservatories of Naples
scoring: G or A (2 Violins, Bc)
Johann Guth (c. 1675 - 1710):  Chiacon a 2 Violini, canon at the unison a 2
source: Novitas musicalis. Allerhand Canones und Fugen von 2. 3. und 4 Stimmen sampt dem General Bass (Frankfurt 1675), No. 9
scoring: AAB (Bc ad libitum)
Tarquinio Merula (c. 1594 - 1665):  Ciaccona a 2 violini, ed a 3 col violone - Op. 12, No. 20
source: Canzoni overo sonate concertate per chiesa e camera a due et a tre. Op. 12 (Venice 1637)
scoring: SSB (Bc)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Schaff ’s mit mir, Gott - BWV 514
source: Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (Leipzig 1725), No. 32
scoring: A (Bc)
Diego Ortiz (c. 1519 - c. 1570):  Recercada primera [Passamezzo antico]
source: El primo libro: Nel quale si tratta delle glose sopra le cadenze et altre sorte de punti in la musica del violone (Rome 1553), No. 1
scoring: AAATB
Adapted for solo treble recorder and recorder ensemble from the original score for viola da gamba and four generic instrumental lines (harpsichord). It may be also played by recorder and a harmonic instrument, such as a harpsichord, a guitar or a harp.
Louis-Antoine Dornel (c. 1685 - 1765):  III Suitte in D minor - Op. 1, No. 3
source: Livre de simphonies contenant 6 suittes en trio pour les flutes, violons, hautbois, etc. (Paris [1709])
scoring: AA (Bc)
Carlo Donida (1920 - 1998):  Le Colline Sono in Fiore
scoring: STB
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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 - 1788):  Sonata in G minor (A minor) - H 542.5 (formerly BWV 1020)
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828):  Wiegenlied - D.498
scoring: TTTB or AATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Lascia ch’io pianga
source: Rinaldo (1711) - HWV 7
scoring: SSAB
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725):  Sonata in G major
source: MS. SANT Hs 3975 (No. 14). Manuscript preserved in Münster: Diözesanbibliothek, Santini-Collection
scoring: A (Bc)
Gary Brooker (1945 - 2022):  A Whiter Shade of Pale
scoring: SATB
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 - BWV 1047
scoring: A (Trumpet, Oboe, Violin, Strings, Bc)
Traditional Klezmer:  A Nacht in Gan Eydn
scoring: SAB (Guitar)
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ABBA (flourished 1973-82):  I Have a Dream
scoring: SSTB or SSAB
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Jacob Arcadelt (c. 1504 - 1568):  Il bianco e dolce cigno, madrigal a 4
source: Il primo libro de madrigali a quattro voci (Venice 1539)
scoring: ATTB
Ignazio Pollice (flourished 1684-1705):  Sinfonia a 3 flauti in C major (Bb major)
source: Manuscrit musical 161. Manuscript preserved in Paris: Bibliothéque Municipale de Versailles, No. 9
scoring: GGG or AAA (Bc)
This piece was undoubtedly written for three recorders. The point is that in all likelihood they were three recorders in G. Of course the music is simple enough to be played on three ordinary recorders in F, but I have also published a version in B–flat which better suits the treble in F.
An advantage of playing the music in the original version in C major is that the bass line fits perfectly on a bass recorder.
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725):  Sonata in F major
source: MS. SANT Hs 3975 (No. 13). Manuscript preserved in Münster: Diözesanbibliothek, Santini-Collection
scoring: A (Bc)
ABBA (flourished 1973-82):  Our Last Summer
scoring: SATB
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Giorgio Pacchioni (1947 - ):  Ciaccona a due flauti in canone - Op. 4
scoring: AAB
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Benedetto Marcello (1686 - 1739):  Sonata II in D minor - Op. 2, No. 2
source: Suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello o cembalo (1712)
scoring: A (Bc)
Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695):  The Grand Dance
source: King Arthur, or The British Worthy (1691) - Z 628
scoring: ATB (Bc)
Johannes Touront (flourished 1450-75):  O florens rosa
scoring: ATB
I do not usually rate my own editions. I will make an exception in this case, as this early Renaissance piece deserves a full 5. Playing it was challenging and demanding, but now I cannot stop listening to it.
Johann Gottfried Keller (1657 - 1704):  A Ground [Chaconne]
source: 50 Airs anglois [… Book 1] (Amsterdam c. 1702), No. 50
scoring: A (Bc)
Continuo figures and their realization are editorial throughout.
Gottfried Finger (c. 1660 - 1730):  A Ground [Passacaglia]
source: 40 Airs anglois pour la flute […] Livre troisieme (Amsterdam c. 1704), No. 6
scoring: A (Bc)
Anonymous (XVI cent.):  La paduana del re
source: Ms. Royal Appendix 59-62. Manuscript preserved in London: British Library
scoring: ATTB
Johann Guth (c. 1675 - 1710):  Chiacon a 2 Violini, canon by inversion
source: Novitas musicalis. Allerhand Canones und Fugen von 2. 3. und 4 Stimmen sampt dem General Bass (Frankfurt 1675), No. 33
scoring: AAB or ATB (Bc ad libitum)
Arcangelo Corelli (1653 - 1713):  Sonata VI. Follia in G minor
source: Six solos for a flute and a bass […] Being the second part of his fifth opera (London [1702]), No. 6
scoring: A (Bc)
Orlando di Lasso (c. 1532 - 1594):  Matona mia cara
source: Libro de villanelle, moresche et altre canzoni a 4. 5. 6 et 8 voci (Antwerp 1582)
scoring: SATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Meine Seele hört im Sehen - HWV 207
source: Neun Deutsche Arien (1724-27), No. 6
scoring: AA (Bc)
Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632 - 1687):  Chaconne
source: Phaëton - LWV 61 (1683)
scoring: SSATB or ATB (Harpsichord)
Daniel Purcell (c. 1664 - 1717):  Sonata Seconda in D minor
source: Six sonata’s or solos, three for a violin and three for the flute (London 1698), No. 2
scoring: A (Bc)
The edition has been completely revamped: the continuo has been realised in full and editorial divisions have been added to the third movement.
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Geordie»
scoring: STB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948 - ):  Memory
source: musical Cats (1981)
scoring: SAATB
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Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Concerto in A minor - RV 103
scoring: AAB
Arrangement for three recorders of the original score in G minor for recorder, oboe and bassoon.
Francesco Nicola Fago (1677 - 1745):  Agitata freme l’onda, Air
source: La Cassandra indovina (Naples 1711)
scoring: A (Strings)
Traditional Klezmer:  Im Eshkachéch Yerushalayim
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Uzi Hitman (1952 - 2004):  Adon Olam (אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם)
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Anne Danican Philidor (1681 - 1728):  Sonate pour la Flute à bec in D minor
source: 1er Livre de pieces pour la flute traversiere, flute a bec, violons et haut-bois avec la basse continuë (Paris 1712)
scoring: A (Bc)
Giovanni Battista Stefanini (1574 - 1630):  Beata es Virgo Maria, Motet a 7
source: Promptuarium musicum (Strasbourg 1611–17)
Nicolaus Craen (c. 1445 - 1507):  Ecce video celos apertos
source: Motetti A. Numero trentatre (Venice 1502)
scoring: GTB or STB
This wonderful piece is already without text in the original Petrucci print.
Traditional:  Frailach #2
scoring: ATB (Guitar)
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Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Follia - RV 63 - Op. 1, No. 12
source: Suonate da Camera a tre. Op. 1 (Amsterdam c. 1712)
scoring: AA (Bc)
The Beatles (flourished 1960-70):  Blackbird
scoring: SATB
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Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Concerto per Flautino in A minor (E minor) - RV 445
source: Giordano 31, Manuscript preserved in Turin National University Library
scoring: N or S (Strings, Bc)
Alexander Agricola (c. 1445 - 1506):  Fortuna desperata
scoring: ATTBBB or ATTBBL
Antonio Cesti (1623 - 1669):  Intorno all’idol mio
source: Orontea (1656)
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Traditional Klezmer:  Battare Prosciutto
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Pelham Humfrey (c. 1647 - 1674):  Wherever I am, and whatever I doe
source: Musica Antiqua, ed. by John Stafford Smith (London 1812)
scoring: A or AB (Bc or Guitar)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Sonata V in C major / F major / D major - BWV 529
source: Sechs Orgel-Trios für zwei Manuale mit dem obligaten Pedal (Autograph manuscript, c. 1727-31), No. 5
scoring: T or A (Harpsichord)
This edition of BWV 529 contains the transcription of the autograph manuscript in C major as well as two different adaptations for recorders and obbligato harpsichord: one in C major for a tenor recorder and the other one in F major for a treble recorder.
Billy Joel (1949 - ):  Piano Man
scoring: STB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (c. 1620 - 1680):  Intrada con Treza
source: IMhs 8:17. Manuscript preserved in Uppsala: Carolina Rediviva, Uppsala University Library
scoring: ATBL
Ben E. King (1938 - 2015):  Stand by Me
scoring: SATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Traditional Klezmer:  Der Shtiller Bulgar
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Robert Parsons (c. 1535 - 1572):  The Song called Trumpets
source: Ms. Add. 31390 (c. 1578), Manuscript preserved in London: British Library
scoring: SSTTBB
Nino Rota (1911 - 1979):  Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet
scoring: SATBL
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Paul Simon (1941 - ):  Bridge Over Troubled Water
scoring: AATB (Piano)
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Sonata in E minor (G minor) - BWV 1034
scoring: A (Bc)
Giuseppe Sammartini (1695 - 1750):  Trio Sonata VI in D minor
source: XII sonatas for two German flutes or violins with a thorough bass (London c. 1727), No. 6
scoring: AA (Bc)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Concerto per Flauto in C minor - RV 441
source: Giordano 31, Manuscript preserved in Turin National University Library
scoring: A (Strings, Bc)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Concerto in G minor - RV 103
source: Giordano 31, Manuscript preserved in Turin National University Library
scoring: A (Oboe, Bassoon)
Diego Ortiz (c. 1519 - c. 1570):  Recercada segunda [Passamezzo moderno]
source: El primo libro: Nel quale si tratta delle glose sopra le cadenze et altre sorte de punti in la musica del violone (Rome 1553), No. 2
scoring: AAATB
Adapted for solo treble recorder and recorder ensemble from the original score for viola da gamba and four generic instrumental lines (harpsichord). It may be also played by recorder and a harmonic instrument, such as a harpsichord, a guitar or a harp.
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Concerto in C major - TWV 51:C1
source: Mus. ms. 1033/23. Manuscript preserved in Darmstadt: Hessische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
scoring: G (Strings, Bc)
Jacob Arcadelt (c. 1504 - 1568):  O felici occhi miei, madrigal a 4 with divisions of the upper line by Diego Ortiz (1555)
source: Il primo libro de madrigali a quattro voci (Venice 1539)
scoring: ATTB
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827):  Allegretto
source: Symphony no. 7, Op. 92
scoring: SATB
Traditional Klezmer:  Sonya & Anoushka
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Orlando di Lasso (c. 1532 - 1594):  Chi chi li chi Cu cu ru cu, Villanella a 6
source: Libro de villanelle, moresche et altre canzoni a 4. 5. 6 et 8 voci (Antwerp 1582)
scoring: SSATTB
Jean Baptiste [John] Loeillet of London (1680 - 1730):  Sonata in D minor - Op. 1, No. 3
source: Sonatas for variety of instruments. Op. 1 (London 1722)
scoring: SAB
Johann Guth (c. 1675 - 1710):  Gique a 2 Violini, canon at the unison a 2
source: Novitas musicalis. Allerhand Canones und Fugen von 2. 3. und 4 Stimmen sampt dem General Bass (Frankfurt 1675), No. 2
scoring: AAB (Bc ad libitum)
Johann Guth (c. 1675 - 1710):  Chiacon a 2 Violini e Braccio, canon at the unison a 2
source: Novitas musicalis. Allerhand Canones und Fugen von 2. 3. und 4 Stimmen sampt dem General Bass (Frankfurt 1675), No. 21
scoring: SSTB (Bc ad libitum)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Ich steh’ an deiner Krippen hier - BWV 469
scoring: SB (Bc)
Presented in two versions:
1. Adapted for SB recorders and continuo;
2. Adapted for treble recorder and continuo with editorial divisions.
Innocenzo Fede (c. 1660 - 1732):  Ouverture in C major
source: Manuscrit musical 161. Manuscript preserved in Paris: Bibliothéque Municipale de Versailles, No. 8
scoring: AAA
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Sonata in D minor, HWV 367
source: Mu. Ms. 261. Manuscript preserved in Cambridge: Fitzwilliam Museum
scoring: A (Bc)
Andreas Hammerschmidt (1612 - 1675):  Intrada (1)
source: ’t Uitnement Kabinet. 2 vols (Amsterdam 1646-49)
scoring: CB (Bc)
Johann Christian Schickhardt (c. 1681 - 1762):  Folia in D minor - Op. 6, No. 6
source: Sonates pour la chambre à deux flutes et une basse continue. Op. 6 (Amsterdam 1710)
scoring: AA (Bc)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «L’amour de moy»
scoring: SAB (Bc)
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Giovanni Gabrieli (c. 1555 - 1612):  «Lieto godea» per cantar e sonar a 8
source: Concerti: Libro primo et secondo (Venice 1587)
scoring: SSAATTBB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 - BWV 1049
scoring: AA (Violin, Strings, Bc)
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Fantasia I in C major - TWV 40:2
source: Fantasie per il violino senza basso (c. 1727), No. 1
scoring: A
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Sonata I in Eb major / Bb major / G major - BWV 525
source: Sechs Orgel-Trios für zwei Manuale mit dem obligaten Pedal (Autograph manuscript, c. 1727-31), No. 1
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
This edition of BWV 525 contains the transcription of the autograph manuscript in Eb major as well as two different adaptations for treble recorder and obbligato harpsichord: one in Bb major and the other one in G major.
John Dowland (1563 - 1626):  Awake Sweet Love
source: The first booke of songes (London 1597), No. 19
scoring: SATB
Alessandro Stradella (1639 - 1682):  Sinfonia avanti il Barcheggio
source: Ms. mus.f.1146 Manuscript preserved in Modena: Biblioteca estense universitaria
scoring: AAA (Bc)
Alessandro Marcello (1673 - 1747):  Concerto di Flauti
scoring: SGTB or SATB
Traditional Klezmer:  Papir iz dokh vays
scoring: AB (Guitar)
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «The First Nowell»
scoring: SATB
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Stille Nacht»
scoring: SATB
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Traditional Klezmer:  Adir Hu (אדיר הוּא)
scoring: SAB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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Traditional Klezmer:  Chava
scoring: TTB
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Andrea Gabrieli (c. 1532 - 1585):  Angelus ad pastores ait, Motet a 7
source: Concerti: Libro primo et secondo (Venice 1587)
The Beatles (flourished 1960-70):  Beatlesiana
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Variations on «Michael Row the Boat Ashore»
scoring: AB (Harmonic Instrument)
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Bartolomeo Tromboncino (c. 1470 - c. 1535):  Acqua non è l’umor che versan gli occhi
source: Frottole. Libro undecimo (Petrucci, Fossombrone 1514)
scoring: ATTB
Marco Uccellini (c. 1603 - 1680):  Aria Quinta sopra la Bergamasca
source: Sonate arie et correnti a 2 e 3 per sonare con diversi instromenti (Venice 1642), No. 5
scoring: SSB
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Sonata a 2 Flauto Traverso et Basso Continuo in G minor - RV 51
source: PM 6099. Manuscript preserved in Leipzig: Musikbibliothek der Stadt Leipzig
scoring: A (Bc)
Despite its title, this sonata conveniently fits a treble recorder and could have been conceived for it.
Divisions of the slow movements are editorial.
Traditional:  Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)
scoring: ATB (Harmonic Instrument ad libitum)
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George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  Duetto - HWV 190
scoring: TT (Bc)