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Nicola Fiorenza (? - 1764):  Largo e staccato from Concerto in A minor
source: Ms. 2210-17 (1726). Manuscript preserved in the Music conservatories of Naples
scoring: ATTB
Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach [William Bach] (1759 - 1845):  Seid gegrüßt ihr grün bemooste Hügel, Air
source: Musikalische Nebenstunden (Rinteln 1787)
scoring: T (Piano)
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732 - 1795):  Villanella
source: Musikalische Nebenstunden (Rinteln 1787)
scoring: T (Piano)
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732 - 1795):  Allegretto in C major
source: Musikalische Nebenstunden (Rinteln 1787)
scoring: SB
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732 - 1795):  Allegretto
source: Musikalische Nebenstunden (Rinteln 1787)
scoring: A (Piano)
Angelo Berardi (c. 1636 - 1694):  Adagio from Canzone I «Chi la fa, l’aspetti»
source: Sinfonie a violino solo (Bologna 1670)
scoring: TBF
The piece can also be played an octave higher with SAB recorders.
The great bass recorder can be replaced by any bass instrument.
Benedetto Marcello (1686 - 1739):  Gigue in G minor from Sonata X
source: Suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello o cembalo (1712)
scoring: ATB
Paul Simon (1941 - ):  The Boxer
scoring: ATB (Piano)
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Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Final Allegro from Concerto RV 100 in F major
scoring: ATB
The bass part is presented in two versions: an adaptation of the original bassoon part and an adaptation of the continuo part. The latter is much simpler. The player can switch between the two lines according to his abilities.
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme - TWV 1:385
source: Harmonische Gottes-Dienst oder geistliche Cantaten (Hamburg 1725-26)
scoring: ATB
Santo Lapis (1699 - 1765):  Sonata II in Bb major
source: Sei duetti per due flauti o violini o fagotti (Paris c. 1740-48)
scoring: AA
I have corrected two errors in the appoggiaturas in the first movement.
Thanks to Armando for pointing them out.
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  «Fuggi da questo cielo» ovvero La Mantovana
source: After the vocal composition by Giuseppe Cenci
scoring: ATB
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Giuseppe Cenci [Giuseppino del Biado] (XVII cent.):  Fuggi da questo cielo
scoring: T (Bc)
This is the first known version of La Mantovana from an early 17th manuscript found in Florence
Johann Christoph Pepusch (c. 1667 - 1752):  Concerto VI in F major
source: VI Concerts à 2 flûtes a bec, 2 flûtes traversieres haubois ou violons & basse continue (Amsterdam c. 1717), No. 6
scoring: AATTB
Giulio Mussi da Lodi (XVII cent.):  La Mantica
source: Il primo libro delle canzoni da sonare a due voci. Op. 5 (Venice 1620), No. 4
scoring: AB (Bc)
Angelo Michele Bertalotti (1666 - 1747):  Solfeggio Trentesimo Quinto
source: Solfeggi a canto e alto (Bologna 1744), No. 35
scoring: SA
Tommaso Albinoni (1671 - c. 1750):  Prelude in F major
source: Select preludes or volentarys for ye violin (London 1705), No. 11
scoring: A
Pëtr Ilič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893):  Mazurka
source: Album pour enfants, Op. 39 (1878), No. 11
scoring: A (Piano)
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Nicht uns nein, nein from cantata In gering- und rauhen Schalen - TWV 1:941
source: Harmonische Gottes-Dienst oder geistliche Cantaten (Hamburg 1725-26)
scoring: ATB
Traditional:  Pavane de Spanie
scoring: SAB
This arrangement is based on Pieter de Vois’ variations (1644).
Alessandro Stradella (1639 - 1682):  Bella non piangere
source: The sources are a couple of manuscripts found in Naples, at the Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella.
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Antonio Mortaro (? - 1619):  La Zucchella
source: Primo libro de canzoni da sonare a quattro voci (Venice 1600), No. 9
scoring: SATB
John Baptist Grano (c. 1692 - c. 1748):  Air in G major
source: A choice collection of aires and duets for two German flutes (London n.d.)
scoring: AA
Thomas Deane (flourished 1703):  Prelude in Bb major
source: Select preludes or volentarys for ye violin (London 1705), No. 10
scoring: AT
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Quand on se veut bien divertir
source: Composition based on a 17th century French melody published by Christophe Ballard in La Clef des chansonniers (Paris 1717)
scoring: AA
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Giovanni Battista Pescetti (c. 1704 - 1766):  Andante and Giga in F major from Sonata II
source: Sonate per gravicembalo (London 1739)
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Anonymous (XV cent.):  Pace non trovo e non ho da far guerra
source: Pixérécourt Chansonnier (1470–95). Manuscript preserved in Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France
scoring: ATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  On ne parle jamais d’affaire
source: Composition based on a 17th century French melody published by Christophe Ballard in La Clef des chansonniers (Paris 1717)
scoring: STTB
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  J’avois de l’Amour pour vous
source: Composition based on a 17th century French melody published by Christophe Ballard in La Clef des chansonniers (Paris 1717)
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
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Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny (1729 - 1817):  Quintet «Ceci me paraît fort»
source: Rose et Colas (Paris 1764)
scoring: SSTTB
Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny (1729 - 1817):  Fugue «Mais ils sont en courroux»
source: Rose et Colas (Paris 1764)
scoring: SATB
John Bedyngham (c. 1422 - c. 1460):  Gentil madonna
source: Pixérécourt Chansonnier (1470–95). Manuscript preserved in Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France
scoring: TBB
Franciscus (flourished 1510):  Valle riposte e sole
source: Canzoni nove con alcune scelte de varii libri di canto (Rome 1510)
scoring: SATB
Nicolas Dalayrac (1753 - 1809):  Rondeau in G major
source: Trio I in D major from Six Trios a deux Violons et Basse (Paris c. 1770)
scoring: SA (Harpsichord)
Nicolas Dalayrac (1753 - 1809):  Notre meunier chargé d’argent
source: Camille ou le Souterrain (Paris 1791)
scoring: SAB
Nicolas Dalayrac (1753 - 1809):  Quand le bien-aimé reviendra
source: Nina ou la Folle par amour (Paris 1786)
scoring: SSTB
Nicolas Dalayrac (1753 - 1809):  On nous dit que dans le mariage
source: Camille ou le Souterrain (Paris 1791)
scoring: AATB
Johann Christoph Pepusch (c. 1667 - 1752):  Trio Sonata in D minor
scoring: AB (Bc)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Gott, dem der Erden Kreis zu klein
source: Cantata «Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ» - BWV 91
scoring: AT (Harpsichord)
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Fortuna desperata No. 2
scoring: AB (Harpsichord)
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Fortuna desperata No. 1
scoring: ATB
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Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Largo in G minor
source: Concerto RV 107
scoring: AA (Harpsichord)
Anonymous (XVII cent.):  Amarillis, je renonce à vos charmes
source: Composition based on a 17th century French melody published by Christophe Ballard in La Clef des chansonniers (Paris 1717)
scoring: ATTB or AAAB
Only the melody is original: the rest is mine.
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Traditional:  L’Air de Lanturlu
source: Composition based on a 17th century French melody published by Christophe Ballard in La Clef des chansonniers (Paris 1717)
scoring: SATB
Only the melody is original: the rest is mine.
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Louis-Antoine Dornel (c. 1685 - 1765):  Allegro fugato in D minor from Sonate en quatuor
source: Livre de simphonies (Paris 1709)
scoring: AATB
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Adagio in G minor
source: Violin concerto in G minor, L’Estate - RV 315
scoring: ABBB
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Adagio molto in D minor
source: Violin concerto in F major, L’Autunno - RV 293
scoring: SABBL
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Largo in D minor
source: Violin concerto in E major, La Primavera - RV 269
scoring: AATB
Benedetto Marcello (1686 - 1739):  Sonata III in G minor
source: Suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello o cembalo (1712)
scoring: ATB
Salvatore Cardillo (1874 - 1947):  Core ’ngrato
scoring: T (Piano)
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Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Largo in D minor
source: Concerto in D major - RV 91
scoring: ATBL
Benedetto Marcello (1686 - 1739):  Vi discopro le ferite
source: Canzoni madrigalesche et arie per camera a due, tre, e quattro voci. Opera quarta (1717)
scoring: SA (Bc)
Benedetto Marcello (1686 - 1739):  Sonata II in D minor
source: Suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello o cembalo (1712)
scoring: ATB
Johann David Heinichen (1683 - 1729):  Adagio in C major
source: Concerto for 2 oboes in E minor - Seibel 222
scoring: AAATTL
Traditional:  Guten Abend, guten Abend, Swedish Christmas melody
scoring: ATB
The melody is a popular Swedish tune and the German lyrics are by Carl Riedel (1827–1888).
Sia [Sia Kate Isobelle Furler] (1975 - ):  Snowman
scoring: STB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen, Air
source: Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248 (1734), No. 47
Edited and/or arranged by Alberto Dalla Turca
scoring: AB (Harpsichord)
Cristoforo Caresana (c. 1640 - 1709):  Tarantella in G minor
source: Duo: Opera seconda (Naples 1693)
scoring: AB
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Des sich wundert alle Welt
source: Cantata «Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland» - BWV 61
scoring: SATL
Cristoforo Caresana (c. 1640 - 1709):  Tarantella in A minor
source: Duo: Opera seconda (Naples 1693)
scoring: SA
Cristoforo Caresana (c. 1640 - 1709):  Ciaccona in Bb major
source: Duo: Opera seconda (Naples 1693)
scoring: AB
Queen (XX cent.):  Love of My Life
scoring: ATB (Piano)
Giacomo Fogliano (1468 - 1548):  Tua volsi esser sempre mai, frottola a 4
source: Canzone sonetti strambotti et frottole. Libro primo (Siena 1515)
scoring: ATBB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  J’ay pris amours
scoring: B (Harpsichord)
Gentle Giant (flourished 1970-80):  Plain Truth
scoring: SATBF
Antonio Caldara (c. 1671 - 1736):  Miserere mei, Domine in A minor
scoring: STB or SAB
Antonio Caldara (c. 1671 - 1736):  Presto in A minor from Sonata VI
source: Ms. EM.27, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
scoring: SAB
Edward Pola - George Wyle (1907 - 1995):  It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
scoring: ATB (Piano)
Traditional:  Als die Welt verloren (Gdy się Chrystus rodzi), Polish Christmas carol
scoring: SSAB or SATB
Michael Korb - Ulrich Roever (XXI cent.):  Highland Cathedral
scoring: ATB
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791):  Adagio non troppo in F major
source: Oboe Concerto in C major - K 314
scoring: A (Keyboard)
Francesco Barsanti (1690 - 1772):  Menuet in C major from Sonata I in Bb major
source: Six sonatas for two violins and a bass. Op. 6 (London [1746])
scoring: ATB
Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Somerset Carol: Come all you worthy gentlemen
scoring: ATBB
Only the melody of this carol is original: the rest is mine.
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Carl Bohm (1844 - 1920):  Still wie die Nacht
source: 143 Lieder, Op. 326
scoring: T or B (Piano)
Georg Böhm (1661 - 1733):  Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
scoring: SATL
Franz Wohlfahrt (1833 - 1884):  Easy Fantasia on two Christmas Songs - O Stilly Night and O sanctissima. Op. 83
scoring: AT (Piano)
Ignazio Pollice (flourished 1684-1705):  Sinfonia a 3 flauti in C major (Bb major)
source: Manuscrit musical 161. Manuscript preserved in Paris: Bibliothéque Municipale de Versailles, No. 9
scoring: GGG or AAA (Bc)
This piece was undoubtedly written for three recorders. The point is that in all likelihood they were three recorders in G. Of course the music is simple enough to be played on three ordinary recorders in F, but I have also published a version in B–flat which better suits the treble in F.
An advantage of playing the music in the original version in C major is that the bass line fits perfectly on a bass recorder.
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Sonata in D minor - RV 64
source: Suonate da Camera a tre. Op. 1 (Amsterdam c. 1712), No. 8
scoring: ATB
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741):  Sonata in D minor - RV 64
source: Suonate da Camera a tre. Op. 1 (Amsterdam c. 1712), No. 8
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Adagio in A minor
source: Concerto TWV 51:G1
scoring: SATB
Johann Gottfried Keller (1657 - 1704):  Prelude in F major
source: Select preludes or volentarys for ye violin (London 1705), No. 9
scoring: A
Giuseppe Valentini (1681 - 1753):  Largo in F major
source: Concerto III in C major (Amsterdam 1716)
scoring: AATTB
Traditional:  Salep e la furmicla (The Cricket and the Ant), Traditional Swiss song
scoring: ATB
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Domenico Modugno (1928 - 1994):  Resta cu’mme
scoring: ATTB
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Sonata a 4 violini in C major - TWV 40:203
source: Mus. ms. 1042/59. Hessische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt
scoring: ATTB
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Concerto a 4 violini concertati in C major - TWV 40:201
source: Mus. ms. 1033/97a. Hessische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt
scoring: SAAT
Here is the third version of the arrangement of this concerto. In this case I have taken a different approach; that is, instead of trying to transpose the music for four equal instruments (four treble recorders), I have redistributed the musical phrases among four SAAT recorders: in this way no one has to play too high notes, and almost all the parts have been preserved in their extensions.
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Grave in C major
source: Concerto a 4 Violini senza Basso – TWV 40:204
scoring: SAATB
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Menuet in Bb major
source: Mus. ms. 477. Manuscript preserved in Darmstadt: Hessische Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek, No. 4
scoring: ATB
The first and third parts are the original ones, while the tenor part is my addition.
The divisions are also mine.
Nicola Francesco Haym (1678 - 1729):  Sonata I in D minor
source: VI Sonate da camera (Amsterdam n.d.), No. 1
scoring: A (Bc)
Nicola Francesco Haym (1678 - 1729):  Prelude in F major
source: Select preludes or volentarys for ye violin (London 1705), No. 8
scoring: A
Antonio Mortaro (? - 1619):  La Tergnana with editorial divisions of the top line
source: Primo libro de canzoni da sonare a quattro voci (Venice 1600), No. 8
scoring: A (Harpsichord)
This song lends itself well to divisions because it is clearly divided into repeated sections. If necessary, the first voice can be played by a soprano recorder in the original key, using the ensemble suggested in the related entry.
Antonio Mortaro (? - 1619):  La Tergnana
source: Primo libro de canzoni da sonare a quattro voci (Venice 1600), No. 8
scoring: SATB
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759):  First March from the Water Peice [sic]
source: The delightful pocket companion for the German flute (London c. 1763)
scoring: AA
William Williams (1675 - 1701):  A Sonata for a Single Flute in D minor
source: Engraved by Thomas Cross (London n.d.)
scoring: A (Bc)
Giovanni Battista Vitali (1632 - 1692):  Passagallo I
source: Varie partite del passemezzo, ciaccona, capricii, e passagalli […] Op. 7 (Modena 1682)
scoring: AA (Bc)
In this passacaglia, G.B. Vitali once again demonstrates his remarkable ability to adapt the established norms of musical composition to his own creative vision. Typically, the passacaglia pattern involves a four–beat bass that is repeated indefinitely, albeit with melodic variations. However, in this instance, Vitali seeks to continuously alter the bass, both harmonically and melodically. Consequently, the same pattern rarely recurs, yet the musical flow remains uninterrupted.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750):  Largo in D minor
source: Sonata II - BWV 526
scoring: ATB
Hans Zimmer (1957 - ):  Interstellar Main Theme
scoring: SATTB
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Andrea Bornstein (1956 - ):  Souvent je m’esbats et mon cueur est marry
source: Fantasies on Norman Songs from the Bayeux Manuscript, No. 7
scoring: T (Harpsichord)
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Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767):  Fantasia N° 2 - TWV 33:2
source: Fantaisies pour le clavessin (Hamburg c. 1733)
scoring: SB
The Beatles (flourished 1960-70):  Eleanor Rigby
scoring: AATBB
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