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Il primo libro delle muse a tre voci. Madrigali de diversi autori di nuovo raccolti e datti in luce. Musica dilettevole, e piacevole da cantare (Girolamo Scotto, Venice 1562).

1. And[rea] Festa (XVI cent.):   Crudel, di che peccat’a doler t’hai, madrigal a 3
scoring: SST
What is the meaning of these icons?   13
2. Mattio Rampollini (1497 - c. 1553):   Basciami, vita mia, madrigal a 3
scoring: SAT
What is the meaning of these icons?  6
3. Jan Nasco (c. 1510 - 1561):   Lingua che l’aria e ’l ciel, l’acqu’e la terra, madrigal a 3
scoring: SAT
What is the meaning of these icons?  4
4. Orlando di Lasso (c. 1532 - 1594):   Secchi vedransi tutt’i verdi boschi, madrigal a 3
scoring: SAT
What is the meaning of these icons?  5
5. Vincenzo Ferro (XVI cent.):   Io piango ed ell’il volto, madrigal a 3
scoring: ATB
6. Lerma [?]:   Non m’incresce, madonna, madrigal a 3
scoring: ATB
What is the meaning of these icons?  8
7. François Roussel (c. 1510 - post 1577):   Quando la sera scaccia il chiaro giorno, madrigal a 3
scoring: ATB
What is the meaning of these icons?  6
8. Antonio Barrè (flourished 1551-72):   Foco son di desio, di tema ghiaccio, madrigal a 3
scoring: SAT
What is the meaning of these icons?  4
9. Giulio Fiesco (flourished 1550-70):   Valli vicine e rupi, madrigal a 3
scoring: ATB
What is the meaning of these icons?  6
10. Antonio Barrè (flourished 1551-72):   Così avess’io com’hann’i miei desiri, madrigal a 3
scoring: SSA
What is the meaning of these icons?  5
11. Vicente Lusitano (? - post 1561):   Allor ch’ignuda d’erb’e fior la terra, madrigal a 3
scoring: AAT or TTB
What is the meaning of these icons?   22
12. Antonio Barrè (flourished 1551-72):   Quando la bell’aurora innanzi al sole, madrigal a 3
scoring: SSA or SGT
What is the meaning of these icons?  4
13. Vincenzo Ferro (XVI cent.):   Io credea che ’l morire, madrigal a 3
scoring: SGT or ATB
14. Perissone Cambio (c. 1520 - c. 1562):   Consumando mi vo di piaggia in piaggia, madrigal a 3
scoring: SAT
15. Ioanne Matelart (ante 1538 - 1607):   Donna, ben saprei io, madrigal a 3
scoring: SGT or SAT
16. Mattio Rampollini (1497 - c. 1553):   In un boschetto novo i rami santi, madrigal a 3
scoring: AAT
17. Antonio Barrè (flourished 1551-72):   Porgimi quella man, ch’avanz’il latte, madrigal a 3
scoring: SAT or SGT
18. Mattio Rampollini (1497 - c. 1553):   Qual sarà mai sì miserabil canto, madrigal a 3
scoring: TTB