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Giovanni Battista Vitali, Artifici musicali ne quali si contengono canoni in diverse maniere, contrapunti dopii, inventioni curiose, capritii, e sonate. Op. 13 (Eredi Cassiani Stampatori Episcopali, Modena 1689).

title page
Allegro in Bb major
The basso continuo has been realised in full
scoring: A (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?    6
Allegro in F major
scoring: ATB
What is the meaning of these icons?  7
Balletto a tre (with multiple time-signatures)
scoring: AA (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?  5
Canone a otto bassi all’unisono
scoring: BBBBBBBB
What is the meaning of these icons?   11
Canone a sei soprani all’unisono
scoring: CCCCCC
What is the meaning of these icons?   9
Canone a tre soprani all’unisono
scoring: CCC or AAA
What is the meaning of these icons?  5
Canone [Secondo] a tre soprani all’unisono
scoring: CCC or AAA
What is the meaning of these icons?  3
Capriccio Quarto
scoring: A (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?  7
Capriccio Secondo
scoring: AB (Bc ad libitum)
What is the meaning of these icons?   9
Capriccio Terzo
scoring: AB (Harpsichord)
What is the meaning of these icons?  7
Capricio Primo
The basso continuo has been realised in full
scoring: A or SB (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?    3
Passagallo che principia per B.molle e finisce per Diesis
The basso continuo has been realised in full
scoring: C (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?    17
Passagallo che principia per B.molle e finisce per Diesis
scoring: A (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?   8
Sinfonia a due violini in canone all’unisono col suo basso continuo
scoring: SSB (Bc)
What is the meaning of these icons?   9